Meeting Notes 6/17/2022

Vamos A Sembrar
Community Garden General Meeting
6/17/2022, 5:30 pm, Friday, in-garden.

Attendees (11 total; 9 members [of 15]): (see Minutes below)


  1. Membership updates.
  2. Reminder: garden’s Open Hours: Mon-Sun 12 pm – 4 pm.
  3. Vote on proposed amendments to the bylaws:
    1. Amendment proposals (Bylaws Amendment Process):
      The following proposals can also be seen in the Bylaws Draft webpage in red letters.
      1. Proposal #1. To add garden materials use, such as, soil, compost, mulch, and garden tools and equipment, under the Garden Guidelines, under section C (as C15):
        1. Garden tools (and equipment):
          • All garden tools are to be shared by the garden members and volunteers, unless it is a personal tool which the individual shall then be responsible for its whereabouts.
          • Garden tools are to be maintained by the garden members and volunteers, stored properly and cleared of dirt after every use.
          • Garden tools left in an individual’s plot: if you need to use it, first, please ask the gardener who is assigned the plot in case it is left there for a reason or in case it might be that person’s personal tool.
        2. Garden materials (soil, compost, mulch, wood chips, etc.):
          • Please label all materials that have just come in, especially if they are in bags, as to their purpose (example: “Soil for bed #3 [person’s name], to be used by July 15.”)
          • All garden materials from GreenThumb (versus bought by an individual) are for public use and shall follow GreenThumb’s policy below; portions of such materials can be assigned for a specific purpose (that is, labeled for someone’s bed, for part of the common area, for street tree pits, etc.).
        3. From GreenThumb’s policy:
        • Materials received from GreenThumb are for public use. GreenThumb encourages garden groups to use GreenThumb’s resources in the garden and in street tree pits to beautify the entire neighborhood as street tree pits are under the jurisdiction of NYC Parks.  GreenThumb encourages garden groups to also work with the NYC Parks Stewardship division’s staff to assist in larger street tree care projects if interested.  More information about that program is available here:
        • If garden groups are found to be using the majority of our resources in private spaces, GreenThumb might give the garden group a violation for improper use of resources and the garden would not receive resources for a period of time.
        • GreenThumb encourages your garden group to always have a collectively decided plan for use of our resources in alignment with your garden’s bylaws and to use the resources provided by GreenThumb expeditiously. Delays in garden groups using GreenThumb’s resources can result in rat harborage conditions. A garden’s failure to use GreenThumb resources in a quick fashion can also result in future delays of supplies.
    2. Proposal #2. To be added as section 4.3.4.:
      • If a garden member misses three (3) consecutive garden meetings, they will not be allowed to vote for the remainder of the year.
    3. Proposal #3. To edit the clarity of the text/explanation in part or parts of the bylaws that addresses suspension, expulsion, revocation of membership temporary or long-term, and denial of access to the garden while under any of the above.
      • Current wording in bylaws 6.3.1.a. “Determine the consequences which may include one or a combination of the following, but not excluding other possible resolution(s) and/or penalties not shown here:
        Suspension; censure; probation; expulsion; a mutual and amicable resolution; some way(s) for restoring trust; one or more specific penalties as agreed upon by the majority of vote by the garden members, such as: the loss of the key privilege for 6 months,1 year, or longer, but keep their garden membership (which means can only be in the garden when another garden member with key is in the garden) and they no longer have their garden position(s), if applicable; or the person is expelled from the garden for a specified period of time: 1 year or 2 years, loss of key and membership; or the person is expelled and may not revisit for possible return as a member for no less than at least 4 years later or as may be determined by the garden membership.”
        • Proposal #3.1, propose changing “may not revisit” to the more clear meaning, “may not be considered“.
        • Proposal #3.2, propose adding to the end of this paragraph, which is from the GreenThumb Gardeners Handbook 2021, page 76 (except for the words in italic): “Even if membership has been revoked, or if an individual has been expelled, or banned, a garden cannot deny someone access during public open hours.
  4. Vote on nominations to steering committee positions for the term 2022-2023:
    1. Joanne Gil (Member since 1/25/2021. Involved since 9/8/2020.)
    2. Vito DiTomaso (Steering committee 2019-2020. Previous Secondary Contact Person to GreenThumb 2018-10/13/2020. Involved since 4/19/2017.)
    3. Carmen Bonilla (Member since 9/27/2021. Involved since 6/24/2021.)

Currently, on the steering committee (5 of 8 available positions):

  • Hannah N. (2019-2020, 2021-2022)
  • Enrique A. (2019-2020, 2021-2022)
  • Jennie N. (2021-2022)
  • Edwin C. (2021-2022)
  • Shig M. (2019-2020, 2021-2022)
  1. Other items.


Gardeners who attended the meeting:

  1. Hannah Negron – member
  2. Jose Valentin – non-member, needs one more meeting to complete requirement.
  3. Rolando Acevedo – member
  4. Jennie Nieves – member
  5. Edwin Cruz – member
  6. Carmen Bonilla – member
  7. Raul Santiago – member
  8. Oscar Ocasio – non-member, 2 meetings attended and some hours of volunteer.
  9. Joanne Gil – member
  10. Shig Matsukawa – member
  11. Efrain Ramirez – member

Proposal #1

“Any materials from the garden must have approval from the members before removing from the garden. This can be done either by sending an email or contacting the garden primary and secondary contacts.” (Hannah Negron, Edwin Cruz).

This proposal passed, 9 out of 9 members voted yes.

Proposal #2

“Under no circumstance a member is allowed to remove anything placed in another member’s raised bed without the consent from the member.”

This proposal was passed 9 out of 9 members voted yes.

Nominees for positions on the steering committee:

Joanne Gil (passed 9 out of 9) YES

Carmen Bonilla (passed 9 out of 9) YES

Reinstating Vito DiTomaso to the steering committee, did not pass. One voted yes, 8 voted No.

A motion to nominate Edwin Cruz as the Garden Treasurer was made and Jose Valentin and Hannah Negron seconded the motion.

Edwin Cruz is our new treasurer, 9 out of 9 voted YES.

A motion to open a bank account* at Bank LES Co-op, 37 Avenue B, Hannah Negron seconded the motion.

This motion passed, 9 out of 9, voted YES.

Carmen Bonilla was nominated to be the co-signer on this account, 9 out of 9 voted YES. (Passed)

Edwin Cruz to get the form and any other information from GreenThumb in order to open the bank account*.

Submitted by
Hannah Negron

* Note. Post-meeting, opening a bank account postponed for further discussion at the next steering committee meeting.

Previous Garden Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes 5/17/2022

Vamos A Sembrar
Community Garden General Meeting
5/17/2022, 5:30 pm, Tuesday, in-garden.

Attendees (12 total; 10 members [of 15]): (see Minutes below)


  1. Membership updates.
  2. The garden’s Open Hours: Mon-Sun 12 pm – 4 pm.
  3. Amendments to the bylaws:
    1. Discuss any amendments; today is the deadline to submit any proposals to amend the garden bylaws.
    2. Amendment proposals (Bylaws Amendment Process):
      1. Proposal to add garden materials use, such as, soil, compost, mulch, and garden tools and equipment, under the Garden Guidelines, under section C (as C15).
      2. Proposal to edit the clarity of the text/explanation in part or parts of the bylaws that addresses suspension, expulsion, revocation of membership temporary or long-term, and denial of access to the garden while under any of the above.
  4. Nominations for any open positions (garden positions, steering committee positions).
  5. Use of garden materials – issues and discussion for possible guidelines/protocols.
  6. Graffiti on the walls update.
  7. Garden layout (“floor plan”) for existing elevated beds (“box plots”) since a casita or shed is coming with a cement floor.
  8. Tree pruning/trimming updates:
    1. Tree closest to the gate is technically a weed that grew into a tall tree and blocks the morning sun. This tree can be trimmed to give more sunlight to the garden, most of the right side of garden and the wall of the church. 
  9. Other items.


To be added after the meeting.

Previous Garden Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes 4/8/2022

Vamos A Sembrar
Community Garden General Meeting
4/8/2022, 5:30 pm, Friday, in-garden.

Attendees (8 total; 5 members [of 15]): (see Minutes below)


  1. Membership updates.
  2. The garden’s Open Hours: Mon-Sun 12 pm – 4 pm.
  3. LUNGS (Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens) discussion and updates:
    1. Vamos’ annual LUNGS dues ($10/year) payments.
    2. LUNGS CSA, every Friday 5-7 pm, July 8 – November 18.
    3. Spring Awakening (April 23, Sat 11 am – 5 pm).
    4. Theater program (June 11-12).
    5. MakeMusicNY (6/21/2022).
    6. SYEP (Summer Youth Employment Program) 6 weeks July-August.
  4. Amendments to the bylaws:
    1. Discuss any amendments,
    2. Amendment proposals (Bylaws Amendment Process).
  5. To reinstate Vito to the steering committee.
  6. Nominations for any open positions (garden positions, steering committee positions).
  7. Graffiti on the walls (our options?).
  8. Garden layout (“floor plan”) for existing elevated beds (“box plots”) since a casita or shed is coming with a cement floor.
  9. Tree pruning/trimming:
    1. Any of the trees in the garden,
    2. Tree closest to the gate is technically a weed that grew into a tall tree and blocks the morning sun. This tree can be trimmed to give more sunlight to the garden, most of the right side of garden and the wall of the church. 
  10. Other items.


Hello, Gardeners

The meeting was schedule for 5:30 pm, however, we started at 6:00 waiting for members to show up.
Present at the meeting:
Shig, Jeannie, Santiago, Frank, Rafael, Raul, Joanne and myself [Hannah].

Shig started the meeting discussing the open hours for the garden which are from 12-4 pm, Mon-Sunday, enough hours to fulfill GreenThumb’s requirements which is a good thing.
Following was a discussion about LUNGS Organization, description of LUNGS, and whether we want to be part of LUNGS, to be voted on 3rd meeting.

Re-instating Vito to the steering committee, outcome was that Vito should nominate himself or anyone else can nominate him to the position, to be voted on our 3rd meeting.
Frank Gonzalez’s required hours were discussed, due to the fact of Joanne making up extra hours in order to complete his 20 hours to become a member.

What should be done about the graffiti. Santiago suggested to have the children from the school come to the GARDEN and create a mural around the graffiti.

An eyewitness which is not a member of the Garden, saw and can identify 3 of our members of the garden taking a bag of compost from the Garden. GreenThumb recently made a delivery of compost bags for the garden use, NOT PERSONAL. Lets keep in mind that whatever GreenThumb delivers to the garden, is not for members to help themselves. In addition, this can be a violation of the bylaws.

Jeannie Nieves, which was present in the meeting, Rolando Acevedo and Edwin Cruz, not present in the meeting, raised the issue about the posted sign of the Children’s Garden and The Roost. This is NOT a children’s garden nor has the name of the garden change to the children’s garden. This Garden is still named Vamos A Sembrar. In addition, all three members mentioned that by having the name, The Roost, it was giving a false impression that the Roost Cafe, owned by Vito, was affiliated with the garden.
For those that are not aware, or do not remember, sometime last year or the year before that, Vito offered his raised bed to be used by children, so Shig, suggested the sign should be worded differently. One of his suggestion was to say, the children’s plot or raised bed.

Finally, the deadline for any suggested amendments to the bylaws should be presented at the next meeting, to be scheduled soon. All voting matters would be conducted at our 3rd meeting.

Hannah Negron

Previous Garden Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes 10/8/2021

Vamos A Sembrar
Community Garden General Meeting
10/8/2021, [5:30 pm] 5:45 pm- 6:48 pm, Friday, in-garden.

Attendees (10 total; 8 members [of 15]): (see Minutes below)


  1. Vote on Rex H., motion to suspend or expel or not (formal grievance was made via email by Hannah N. against Rex H. on 1/31/2021 with several discussions and motion reiterated since then);
  2. Winter supplies update: who will pick up, Sat, Oct 23, 2021, 10 am – 1 pm.
  3. Re. scheduling garden workday, REMINDER: anyone can initiate a garden workday (day and time) inviting everyone; non-members can also initiate through a member.
  4. NOTE. Volunteer hours have not been really been logged/recorded at all for members; the logging and recording of volunteer hours is meant for non-members to be able to know when they qualify to become a garden member.
  5. Hydrant key issue (Vamos does not currently have one).
  6. Rain barrels – how many do we need and to fill with water?
  7. Any fall-winter community activities?
  8. REMINDER: Any suggestion for changes to the garden governing structure, as well as, any other bylaws related changes, Amendment Proposals can be submitted in writing (email) at any time; then one or two meetings before the Annual Meeting, submitted and new amendment proposals will be mentioned during the meeting; amendment proposals will then be voted on at the Annual Meeting.
  9. MENTION: That garden members participate in adding to the agenda items by replying to emails that announces the next meeting.
  10. Other items.


Hello Gardeners

Meeting attendees:  Chester Cattouse,  Joanne Gil,  Carmen Bonilla,  Ray Montalvo, Enrique Arrosa, Shig Matsukawa, Raul Santiago, Efrian Ramirez, Jeannie Nieves, Hannah N., Edwin C.

One of the agenda was to vote on the motion for the grievance against Rex Hughes, for the lost of key from April 1, thru Sept 30, 2022. However, on a recommendation from Jeannie Nieves, Enrique Arrosa and  Ray Montalvo, a new motion was put in to ban Rex Hughes starting April 1 thru Sept 30, 2022 from entering the Garden at all during such time. Joanne Gil had a proxy for Efrain Gil; Jeannie Nieves had a proxy for Rolando Acevedo.  All members vote YES, EXCEPT Shig M., which didn’t vote one way or another.  Motion was passed, therefore, Rex Hughes isn’t allowed in the Garden during this time.

On a different note, the Children’s Garden (Down to Earth Garden) offer to lend us the key for the fire hydrate for those interested in getting water and filling up the barrels. We decided to just keep 4 barrels, and donate the rest to another garden that might be in need of them. You can coordinate with Shig, to pick up the key and return.

Members also agreed upon not having any meetings during winter, since we have had so many and half of the time the members don’t show up. We would coordinate through email for any snow removal or anything else that needs to be done. 

We also spoke about picking up the winter supplies giving out by GreenThumb, and a few members volunteer to do the pick up with Edwin Cruz and myself.  
Have a bless day.

Hannah N.
Secretary at Vamos A Sembrar

Meeting Notes 9/27/2021

Vamos A Sembrar
Community Garden General Meeting
9/27/2021, 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm, Monday, in-garden.

Attendees (7 total; 5 members [of 14]):
Hannah N., Edwin C., Shig M., Carmen B., Jennie N., Frank G., Raul S.


  1. Regarding Rex H.;
  2. Winterizing Garden;
  3. New member updates;
  4. Moving the gas grill out of the garden;
  5. Other items.


Today’s meeting consist on the following topics:
A motion was put to vote for the grievances against Rex Hughes, 10 days from today. The voting is taking place on October 8. The majority of the members agreed on the removal of keys for 6 months, stating April 1, thru Sept 30, in addition to losing privileges to vote for such time.
Another discussion was the grill and propane tank. I have send out an email a week ago, and no one has claim to be the owner of such.After texting Anthony, he has confirmed the propane tank needs to be remove from the garden.
The majority of members decided to give until October 8 , for the owner of propane tank to be remove, if not, it will be remove.
Shig spoke of all the preparation for winterizing the garden, and all the things that we should start working on.

Jeannie and Raul, have spoken to the next door neighbor about painting over the graffiti wall. They have offer the paint to us.

Hannah N.

Winterizing the Garden

Activities to do this Fall and through the Winter 2021-2022:

  1. Fall leaves:
    1. Sweep them into the garden and put some in the tree pit in front of the garden.
    2. Ground cover – spread the leaves, as well as, plant clippings (cut them into small pieces), throughout the garden ground to cover the soil. Bare soil will dry out quickly killing beneficial soil microorganisms and creating a dusty situation; and bare soil, after rain can create muddy situations.
    3. Excess leaves – If there’s excess leaves, where the ground exceeds 3 inches of leaf cover, then either put them in a leaf bin (to be made out of chicken wire in an upright cylindrical form), or coordinate to bring the excess leaves to the garden on the corner of 12th St & Ave B (Down to Earth Garden, see for their hours – currently, their open-hours for food scrap drop-off throughout the winter are Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm and Thursdays 3:30-6 pm).
  2. Continue picking up trash, throughout the fall and winter – use litter picker tool (fixed and kept in the new small toolshed).
  3. Rain barrels:
    1. Put all rain barrels on cinderblocks (4 blocks, 2 in one direction, and 2 on top in 90° direction). Putting them on the cinderblocks will raised them to a height where the spigot can be used to fill the watering cans.
    2. Cover the opening of each rain barrel with mosquito net; use an open lid to attach the mosquito net onto, or if no open lid, then attach the mosquito net on the open rain barrel on its rim.
  4. Move the snow shovels, ice breakers, and de-icing salt to an accessible location so it’s easy to access them after a snowfall/snow storm.
  5. Move beds at least 2 feet away from the wall. This is a general requirement and it will make it easier to destroy rat holes and to keep it clean.
  6. Fabric (hardware cloth) for the bottom of the new beds (which will be relocated).

Records of Meetings

Meeting Notes 8/25/2021

Vamos A Sembrar
Community Garden General Meeting
8/25/2021, Wednesday, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm, in-garden.

Attendees (10 total; 8 members [of 14]):
Hannah N., Edwin C., Shig M., Frank G., Joanna A., Jennie N., Carmen B., Joanne G., Vito D., Efrain G.


  1. Welcome new people and explain how to become a member;
  2. Revisit and update regarding Rex H.;
  3. Other items.


Unofficial notes (other than above agenda items). Started using ball to pass to those who will speak(idea from the Restorative Circle meeting)–mostly worked; there were still some over-talk. Mention of LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival 9/25-10/3. Suggestion of a Domino event.

Records of Meetings

Meeting Notes 6/24/2021

Vamos A Sembrar
Community Garden General Meeting
6/24/2021, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm, Thursday, in-garden.

Attendees (14 total; 9 members [of 14 members†]): list below, plus Hannah N.
† From 6/24/2021, 14 total garden members (see re. Ray M. in minutes below).


Hello, Gardeners
    Meeting from Jun, 24, started at 5:45 and concluded at 6:35

Hello, Gardeners
 Our meeting on Jun, 24 started at 5:45 and concluded at 6:35
 Members present were
 Jeannie Nieves 
Rolando Acevedo 
Edwin Cruz 
Shig Matsukawa 
Raul Santiago 
Joanna Gil
Efrain Gil 
Santiago Sanchez 
Ray Montalvo, which completed his volunteer 20 hours and 3 meetings becoming an official member.
  4 new people interested in becoming members, Carmen Bonilla, Olga Colon, Elizabeth Colon, Deborah Colon

* We decided were to transplant the 2 trees
* spoke about having to remove the existing bed that are against the wall, 3 feet from the wall
* having GreenThumb come to put the cement where the casita and shed is suppose to be built
* what to do about the graffiti on the wall since GreenThumb doesn’t own the wall and can’t touch it
* suggested collecting an annual due from members
* Rex’s certificate of Anger management classes, still waiting to be presented to the members 

   On a different note, it was brought up to my attention that some members are complaining about items being remove from the garden. If anyone knows exactly what has been remove from the Garden, please let me know. In addition, about some plants being ripped out, as I stated to Anthony, no one has giving me any complain about plants being ripped out other then Jeannie Nieves.

Hannah Negron

Records of Meetings