Vamos A Sembrar Community Garden

Standard/Best Practices

Items below are in the process of being written out.

These are specifically for this garden, Vamos A Sembrar.
For general/additional information on the same subject below, refer to the GreenThumb Gardener's Handbook: English | Español.

  1. Mulching of leaves, garden clippings, and small branches
    Use hand pruners and lopers to cut into small pieces and spread over the soil.
    Keeps soil from drying out (dusty condition) or prevent muddy conditions; moist soil important for maintaining microbial life which feeds worms, insects and other soil organisms. Healthy soil microbial life leads to healthy plant root system.

  2. Pruning trees can be done with guidance of someone/another garden member with a Citizens Pruner Permit.

  3. Plant caring/handling of other than your own

  4. Harvesting and harvesting others' ...

  5. Water
    1. Watering and watering others’ ...

    2. Watering cans

    3. Rainwater barrels

    4. Hydrant use

  6. Seeds

    1. Seed collection (seed library)

    2. Seed harvesting

    3. Seed sharing and exchanging

  7. New plants

  8. Composting

  9. Tools maintenance

  10. Community materials: soil, compost, mulch, plant cuttings, seeds

  11. Other gardening materials: gravel, sand, lumber, hardware fabric/cloth, mosquito netting, staking sticks and bamboos, pots and planters, ...

  12. Temporary use of the gray bin: to store items from rain, including Hours Log Sheets, ...

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